Friday, August 20, 2010

Update 20.8.2010 and Skype

Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for the note and update about your computer and timing.

The kids are in back to school mode, so my work on the site is slow.

Summary of Actions:
1.  I updated all the buy links on all the pages, since I'd been waiting to hear about the server move before doing that. Since your note last week indicated we won't be moving server, I did get them taken care of. I noticed today that there are a number of programs that did not approve my application at cj.
2. In the process of adding another 10 WEb2.0 sites with the fellow I work with on By building out only 10-20 a week, I think it's more natural. By paying him, I will save 50% over Sorry that means in order to  check out the profiles you'd need to search for **** on the sites.

3. I only made one more forum post, nothing spectacular.

4.I did read an interesting article from SiteProNews, something I've been a subscriber to for over 10 years: .


1. Thoughts on contacting the CJ advertisers who rejected the application?
2. Forums????
3. I looked through my emails and either I'm going senile or I wasn't aware you'd be out of communicado again. Having the forum up might help with communication, as you could just make one post for everyone to see. Your thoughts?

Timing for Skype:

Looking at my schedule, thinking that Wednesday evening my time might work best. Say 17:00 GMT+2 = 8 am your time. Too early? Otherwise I could do 20:00, which would be 11  am your time.


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