Monday, March 15, 2010

Granular tasks for Site Launch

I've had affiliate accounts for over 10 years, though I closed my LinkShare account in about 2005. For the Partner Project I need a new Google Account so I can share this with Jeremy's team for analytics, Adwords, etc.

For some reason, I was having trouble getting the new Gmail address. Not sure why, and after two tries, Google informed me that my cell phone number (they wanted to send a verification SMS) had opened the max number of Google accounts allowed. Grr. So then I tried at the day job, since I could at least send and SMS to a friend's phone. Low and behold the verification was sent to my Yahoo email address that I put in as my contact. Okay.

Then after adding my billing information to AdWords, I remember that you can invite others to your AdWords account. That makes a lot more sense to me than giving a team of people my Google account password which would access all things Google in that account. I sent off an email to Jeremy inquiring about this option.

After signing up at Commission Junction, I recalled that there also is the option of adding users with their own access to the same account. Again, much more sense than giving a team my log in information, it would seem to me.

Then on to ShareaSale to open an account. Late at night, after my full day of work at the day job. Okay, at the end they want to send a verification to an email address at the domain itself. Fine, I had set up one POP box on top of the default. Just to be sure, I put in the default address.

No email from SAS. Okay, dufus, did you test your email? No. So I send from my new Gmail account to the default email address. Bounce. Oooof. I had not been able to set up my Windows Live Mail with the information on the site, but I figured it was just some glitch... now I realize that there's a serious problem with my email on the hosting account. I send an email to the host with the error message generated in the bounce, and get a copy of the inquiry from an email associated with Jeremy! The email says, "Your inquiry was sent to the server administrator because no contact information was configured on the server. Attached is a copy of your inquiry for your reference:". Oh, man, I don't have access to the domain registration, that's Jeremy's part of the partnership.

Maybe this is a problem with cPanel? I try setting up a forwarding and still get a bounce. I can log in by webmail to both email addresses, but nothing has arrived.

By this time I realized it was time to get some sleep and see what the next day will bring. At this point I do have the new Google account and Commission Junction set up, and most of the tasks for the WordPress install accomplished. I want to double check my categories before checking it off of the task list, though really they can be changed later also.

And here we are in the middle of March. I think we are going to need to extend the Partnership to three years. ;)

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